Thank you for this amazing module! Very useful for my STALKER GAMMA like game.
can I have the solution to the highlight color? ran into the same problem
What part do you need help with?
This is a fantastic module that makes inventory management so much easier to implement, thank you!!
I had one issue though when setting it up; Is there an easy way to disable the tween that plays when dropping a item into a grid?
I see you have booleans inside the Item module, useTween and usePositionTween, which can disable the tweening, but I don’t see anyway to set them from looking at the API.
at first I tried using the “useTween” parameter when adding an item to my grid but it didn’t do anything
So I had to manually set useTween to false in the Item module to disable tweening when moving between linked itemManagers
-- Apply sizing when the item's ItemManager changes
self._trove:Add(self.ItemManagerChanged:Connect(function(itemManager: Types.ItemManagerObject?, useTween: boolean?)
useTween = false
and usePositionTween to false to disable the tween when moving within an item manager.
Updates the Item's GUI element size and position to align with the new ItemManager.
@within Item
function Item:_updateItemToItemManagerDimentions(applyPosition: boolean?, applySize: boolean?, usePositionTween: boolean?, useSizeTween: boolean?, itemManager: Types.ItemManagerObject?)
usePositionTween = false
Happy you like it! And sadly no there is no way to disable it without modifying the source code. GridPack is not finished yet, but further tween and visual customization is something i really want you to be able to do.
Im having trouble on the highlight color when dragging items into single slots that are excluded for that specific item
Firstly you want to define your types, using the metaData:
local inventory = GridPack.createGrid({
AnchorPoint =, 0.5),
Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 1),
Metadata = {
Type = "Test",
}, -- here you can change your type to whatever, just note that the items type needs to be the same
Then inside the item you have created you use moveMiddleware, this is explained further up.
local yourItem = GridPack.createItem({
MoveMiddleware = function(movedItem, newGridPosition, newRotation, lastItemManager, newItemManager)
lastItemManager = lastItemManager.Metadata
if newItemManager then
if movedItem.Metadata.Type == newItemManager.Metadata.Type -- here is where the types are compared
or newItemManager.Metadata.Type == "Inventory" then -- you can keep on adding these so it can be added to multiple types, this is a really unprofessional way to do it but it works
return true
return false
return true
Metadata = {
Type = "Test", -- this must be the same as the slot you want to put your item into
essentially what this is doing is its returning to the module if the item can or cannot go into the slot, if it can then it will return true, if it cant it will return false.
Now we need to go over and modify the Item module under the Gridpack Module
Scroll down until you see the function
function Item:_updateDraggingPosition()
Inside that code ive modified it to
function Item:_updateDraggingPosition()
local mousePosition = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() - guiInset
local test = self.ItemManager.GuiElement.Parent.AbsolutePosition
self.ItemElement.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(mousePosition.X - self.MouseDraggingPivot.X * self.ItemElement.AbsoluteSize.X - test.X, mousePosition.Y - self.MouseDraggingPivot.Y * self.ItemElement.AbsoluteSize.Y - test.Y)
local currentItemManager = self.HoveringItemManager or self.ItemManager
local gridPos = currentItemManager:GetItemManagerPositionFromAbsolutePosition(self.ItemElement.AbsolutePosition, self.Size, self.PotentialRotation)
self._highlight.Position = gridPos
local isColliding = currentItemManager:IsColliding(self, { self }, gridPos, self.PotentialRotation)
local metadataMatches = true -- simple variable
if currentItemManager.Metadata then -- if the itemManager has metaData
metadataMatches = currentItemManager.Metadata.Type == self.Metadata.Type
or currentItemManager.Metadata.Type == "Inventory" -- finds the match
-- if it does then it sets metadataMatches to true, if it doesnt, false
metadataMatches = false
if isColliding then
self._highlight.Color =, 0, 0) -- this just makes it red if it is colliding. This gives some knowledge on what to do with the incorrect metaDataMatch
if not metadataMatches then -- come on
self._highlight.Color =, 0, 0) -- sets the color to red if not a match
self._highlight.Color = -- put your own color here for the match
And that is about it. Dont worry if things come up as orange when doing the createSlot, item etc parameters, it doenst affect the code.
Now im uncertain this will work since ive heavily modified my gridPack modules but feel free to reply if you have any issues.
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed, btw the code does work!
Heya, I have an interesting question/suggestion!
Is there a way to create shapes like the ones in tetris, or any sort of irregular shape in general?
No, sorry only boxes for now but I am going to add more advanced item shapes in the next big version.
Great design. This might be the best UI to make resident evil style game
Thanks! I can’t wait to see this be added! Please keep us updated on the next big version!
Sorry to reply again but… when the new version releases. Do you think stuff like this could be recreated?
Yeah, I would have to add disable-able slots in grids and maybe a single slot grid for the left upgrade inventory. But this could be nice to have!
Heck yeah! I really am excited for this now! Is there a planned release date?
No not right now, as I’m busy with school and other things (read top of original post) and I don’t want to set deadlines for this project.
Hello, when i try to use the RemoveItem() function, it throws this error :
Grid:357: invalid argument #1 to ‘find’ (table expected, got nil)
That’s a weird error, maybe you’ve already destroyed the grid item manager? I can’t see how this line could error. It seems the item managers item table is missing somehow? If it’s alright, could you send your code that triggers this? It would make it easier to debug.
so basically im making a function that should drop the item when clicked and to do this i trigger an event that tells the client to remove said item from the grid
heres the output by the way
On line 145 it should be mainInventory:RemoveItem(item)
not mainInventory.RemoveItem(item)
(you used a .
instead of a :
) dot means that self
will be nil in the RemoveItem method.