Gripping / Carrying System

I would like to know how I would achieve a good gripping / carrying system like “Rogue Lineage” does it anyone have any ideas I could accomplish this?

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Do you know what the grip is like?

wym if u mean like a example heres onegiphy

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Hi, by a grip do you mean you hold on a player and it will kill them? Sorry if I don’t understand.

you press a button on the player and u kill them ontop of them like the said gif above

Hm, you could try searching up tutorials on how to do this. If not, maybe try looking at the Roblox tutorials if you haven’t already! Once done, I’m sure you can do this! Otherelse I can’t help much.
You can’t expect people on the dev forum to give you all this script, they might start you off, but, otherelse, you can’t expect it.

yo dud theres no tutorials on this thats why im asking what would be a good way to do this i dont even need a tutorial i just want a answer clear or fine or if you are kind enough a code example

I’m not very advanced myself, but, let’s see.
You want on a click for the clicking player to put the other player onto the ground and then they die.
You should start off with a MouseButton1click obviously. Then, ofc make a animation for the player who gets hit on the floor then dies(not required, but, highly rec.), and another animation for the clicking player killing the other guy. Run the animation when the player gets clicked, and then wait around 1.2 and then the Player should die.
This isn’t that hard, if you want you can even use free models, and use youtube tutorials all together.
Such as “Click to kill a player roblox studio”
Start off with that, then search up something like “How to make and run a animation roblox studio”.

dude i said a keybind and it isnt even on free models so when a player is like 10 hp or so they get knocked and they can carry or grip them and ur on top of him stuck like attached so im asking whats a good way to do it .-.

Ah, so like da hood? Where if someone is at 10 HP they fall to the floor and people can pick them up?

If you want a key bind use userinputservice then make an aniamtion and play it when the client presses the key

He also wants it to be like once at 10 health they fall, and cannot move. Until 25+(for example) and people can pick up them if their only knocked out
Ask a Better Scripter for more help.
Sorry for replying to RainbowBacon.

According to the GIF from your earlier post, you want a system where the player can finish off a player who is downed? To achieve this, you can use userinputservice to wait for a player to input a keybind such as R and then you can raycast under the player to detect another player and check if that player is downed (You will need to implement the downed system yourself), once you confirm that a player is downed, you can play an animation that you make and then kill the downed player or do damage to them.
For carrying a player I would suggest checking for a different keybind and checking if a downed player is under you using the raycast method from earlier and if so you can make the downed player weld to you to carry them and when you press the keybind again you can make it so the weld is destroyed to let down the player.

Video of me using the method I just said above and it working like that stomp GIF you showed:

I don’t have a video of the carrying method working and have not tested it yet however. Anyways, I hope this helps you!

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You can use UserInputService and magnitude. Then check “Players” if there’s any nearby players, or if you want you could make a folder of people that are downed, and do the gripping or carry. You may want to use ipairs to loop through the downed folder or “Players” for checking. I’m not going further as to how you would put the player on top or how the victim would be carried. Hopefully this helps!

You could create a region around your character detecting only humanoids. You then can find the distance from them then raycast to see if they are in your sights. As for the carrying you could rag doll the other player then use an attachment to your character. Just a thought.

Not the best method but it works.

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Check out this post: Ragdoll low health script doesn't work properly

Not everyone has played Rogue Lineage or know what ‘Gripping’ is, which is a slang word people in Rogue Lineage use for executing a downed player… Learn the basics of Lua, then check out this resource roadmap

Once youre down the the intermediate section and have a grasp on the fundamentals of Lua and Luan, youll be able to at least come up with a simplified gripping system. From your post and replies, I can tell youll need to develop a technical mindset if you want to do any kind of programming. I hope this replies help you and anyone else reading. My thought though is to maybe use ContextActionService(if thats the right name) for when a player is near a downed player, youd have to make a script for players to not instantly die when theyre low health and instead drop to the ground, so youll need checks for that. For the gripping, of course you need the animation, and youll need a way of disabling the players movements until theyre either done gripping or get interrupted. Maybe the check should be down through iteration, idk. If i decide to try to make something like this myself, Ill make sure to post a sample here. Good luck friend!