Group Bug - Cannot exile user

This guy has been joining my group and spamming the wall, when I exiled him for the third time, I decided to lock the group from new joiners.

Thing is, after I exiled him, and before I changed the permissions, he rejoined, and I think this caused some weird glitch on my end where the exile system doesn’t think he’s in the group, but clearly he is, he joined before I clicked save. That’s just my repro, anyway.

I can’t exile him, so I’ve restricted our Cadet rank from posting, just to stop him in the meantime.

I think it’s a seriously good time for groups to get an overhaul - a lot of the code behind this section of the website is inadequate for stable use, between the errors and difficult to manage controls, and more glitches popping up here and there due to no maintenance, it honestly should just be redone. It is one of the biggest parts of the experienced user base, after all.

It’s coming.

To further quote @Caelestene

The groups redesign will also be a pretty large effort, since we’ll probably be rewriting everything from scratch, but that also means we’ll be able to start with a blank slate. We know that groups as they are right now need serious improvements, and they’re definitely on our plate. (Soon TM.)

Interesting, I’ve had similar things in the past occur to myself however have never endured this glitch. Perhaps revert the joining settings or even try promoting then demoting him, or have someone you trust (with exile powers) try removing him.