Group earnings from selling clothing

So excuse my if making clothes doesn’t count as “developing”, feel free to remove this.
I was wondering the other day, knowing that group clothing doesn’t go off-sale, how much does the group earn from it if the owner doesn’t have premium anymore? Does it earn only 10% like T-shirts? Or am I mistaken?

What I’ve seen is that if the clothing is in a group, the owner gets the amount no matter what, if they have premium or not, they get a 30% cut. But I assume if you make clothings in YOUR ACCOUNT, and run out of premium, roblox takes 90%? Correct me if I’m wrong with the User Account.

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If I recall correctly, regardless of if you have premium or not the marketplace fee is always 30% now.
Source: Unified Marketplace Fee for Dev Products and Game Passes


Thank you! Solved! I heard of the new unified tax, but I was unsure if it worked with clothing too.

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The unified tax only applies to products and gamepasses. It does not apply to clothing.

You still need premium for clothing