Group Pages Not Loading

Starting tonight, I am unable to access my groups at all. What results is a blank page (see photo). Note that the bookmarks bar has several items removed, because they’re sites that are personal.

This bug seems to happen every time I access the group page. I’ve tried clearing my history on Chrome and restarting the browser. The page is clearly done loading as there is no circular indicator or any sign of loading in progress.

No plugins should be affecting it as I’ve had them before this starting occurring. Said plugins are BTRoblox, Roblox+, AdBlock Plus, and View Image / View Original Image (for Google Images stuff).


Nevermind, I found out what caused it. I disabled BTRoblox and it loaded up. Strange though, because it worked fine this morning.


That also happened to me and I had to delete the BTRoblox extension.

The bug has been fixed, you do not need to follow the following steps anymore.

Instead of just disabling the whole thing just disable this setting for the time being, once you do the group page will load in properly.


Edit: Uploaded a more in-depth picture.

Original photo:



I followed those steps but to no avail. My group page is loading but some groups are not showing up.

I don’t think I know what you mean by that but all of my groups loaded in.

bro, i’ve disabled both the extension and the modification of layout and then the resign option entirely. some of my groups are not loading in

@policetonyR Your issue is unrelated, see this other thread: Huge chunk of groups are missing from the groups page slider


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