Groups API show only unauthenticated requests

When loading any group it will as if you are not a member, along with all of the issues attached such as no admin access, no funds, no changing roles.

Unknown reason for this.


Yeah I think they’re having some issues right now. I am also experiencing this, as well as issues with marketplaceservice, loading into studio group games, and datastore errors.

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Can confirm the same thing started happening to me a few minutes ago. All of my group pages, including the ones I own and/or am an admin in, display as if I’m a guest, and as a result I am unable to access funds or group admin.

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I’m also having issues with this too I’m seeing this on my group aswell

Hello everyone,

Our engineering teams are currently investigating the root cause of this issue.

Thank you,
Developer Relations


For me purchase prompts are frequently failing, and all my groups show the ‘Join Group’ button and nothing underneath, like railworks.

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Just as an update, this problem is now fixed!