Groups showing random clothing in the “Store” section

Groups are showing clothing that weren’t uploaded to the group. This happens in every group. It’s happening on both the website and on the Roblox app for iOS.

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Go to any group that you can think of (the ones you own/are in/aren’t in).
  2. Check group store.

I’m not sure but it seems like the stores are showing clothing that was recently uploaded. I’m also not sure since when this is happening but it was noticed by me around 2:30 EST.


Can confirm this is occurring on the website as well.

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Thanks for letting me know. Edited the post

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Received a good amount of reports of these just recently - can reproduce. Also not the first time this has happened either, I wanna say that it also happened once maybe a couple months ago as well. Hopefully a fix is coming soon:tm: :crossed_fingers:


This should be fixed. Please let us know if this is still happening or happens again. Thanks!


Do you have any insight on the situation at the moment? I had a friend report this around some hours ago as well, it seems to be an easily exploitable feature or it’s either just a glitch.
Regardless some people were buying clothes from here and it damaged actual clothing stores and their economy.

This seemed to happen again, strange. My group shows 42 pages of random clothing even though I only have 4. It appeared when I refreshed the 2nd page.

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@muatasim21 File a new thread for new issues. This was marked as fixed 2 years ago.