GroupTransparency does not affect UIStrokes that are parented to it

The title is already self-explanatory, so I’ll keep this brief.

When editing the GroupTransparency property of a CanvasGroup, if a UIStroke is parented to the canvas groups (descendants do not have this problem), the UIStrokes transparency will not be changed.

You can reproduce this issue by,

  1. Creating a CanvasGroup, and adding a UIStroke into it, heres a simple thank you GUI I created;
    here’s what the hierarchy looks like:
  2. Run Studio, and change the CanvasGroups GroupTransparency Property, here’s what it looks like with the GroupTransparency property set to 0.9.

As you can see, the UIStroke inside of the button, which is a Descendant of the CanvasGroup, transparency was changed. Well the UIStroke directly parented to the CanvasGroup transparency was not changed at all.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Hey, just letting you know that this is expected behavior, unfortunately: UIStroke Transparency isn't reflected when you change GroupTransparency of a CanvasGroup - #6 by Mikos_Drafle