GUI button mouse events don't respect Z-order (67)
Unsure how that’s posible with something like this tho? To my knowledge, there is no efficient way of knowing which card the player is actually hovering over

If you need to show the user that many elements, it’s probably better for usability if you calculate the mouse angle on the deck and push out the relevant card manually rather than relying on mouse-over events, since the area of each card is so small.

Recommend looking at how the Uno video game does it when you have a really full deck. I think they also do something where they displace the cards around the selection so it’s easier to mouse on/off.


Still an issue, bumping. I’m setting my Frames to have their Active property enabled but TextButtons underneath of them still get triggered if I happen to click over them.

How has this been a bug for nearly SEVEN YEARS?


Bumping once again because this is still an issue.

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