Gui drawing - PointA - PointB?

Hello! I’m currently trying to replicate the video shown below -
Essentially, what I’m working on is the ability to draw lines on the Gui from one selected Rune to the next - However, as shown in the video - the connections can only be made to those within a linear proximity. i.e. - Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can achieve this affect as well as inserting them into a table that can be checked to ensure the pattern matches any spells?

Gui _ Example1

Maybe you could add tween animations or special glow-up effects if the combination is correct
Or possibly add an effect when the combination is wrong.

Those are my only 2 points, everything else looks amazing. Great job!

Edit: I didn’t read everying, my bad. I didn’t release it was scripting support

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I’ve actually solved the whole allowing permission / proximity for the sigils.

I’m struggling with the generation of lines now, however.

Assuming endpoints are Vector2s a and b:

Make a Frame

AnchorPoint set to (0.5, 0.5)

Position set to the average of a and b, or (a+b)/2

Size set to (d, w) pixels, where d = (b-a).Magnitude and w is the width of the line

Rotation set to math.deg(math.atan2(b.Y-a.Y, b.X-a.X))

Done, woo!

(Just make sure you convert between UDim2.fromOffset and Vector2 where you need to or use the components themselves whatever)

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