It’s not very normal if you’ve upploaded your own images. What images are you using? I would paste the URLs into the image label just to test if it works outside of test.
Yo! It didn’t show up when I pasted the url, I think we are finally getting somewhere! Im just using urls btw
are the URLs from Roblox, or uploaded to roblox? If you’re trying to use images from the web, you’d be better off downloading them and uploading them to your game.
I have gone to the roblox developer page thing and I have searched images in the image catalog which is inside roblox.
could you send one of the urls? I wanna see if it’s the correct format.
Thanks. That’s definitely not the correct format. it should look something like rbxassetid://138948559
This also didn’t show up… any ideas for another solution?
When I try to open the link, it throws me a 404 error. I think this link doesn’t work at all.
So, if I used my own images how would I use that in my situation? Could I put these into the folder? Would it be different in the script?
You can try that, or just reference the ID’s manually in the script.
You have it all set up to work well already. When you add your own images, just right click on the image in the asset manager and click “copy ID to clipboard”. That should have the proper URL
Yes! tysm for the help! Sorry this took a lot of your time!
No problem! I’m kinda bored anyway, so I’m deliberately looking for people to help. Speaking of helping, if you write a summary of what the issue was, and how it was fixed, then mark it as a solution, it will help people who have the same problem as you.
When a table of urls for images was created, the image appeared as just a blank image, if you go to the image, then the section called “Image”, If you click on this you can upload your own images there from your files and the url is given to you, you can use this for the folder/table!
Are you sure? This would take the credit away from you… I don’t think you deserve that after this
Oh, of course. I’m just passing on knowledge to you that I learned from someone else, and in my own experiences.
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