GUI only enables once

That’s a terrible idea any exploiter with more than 2 braincells could hook that.

The problem, captain, is that handling the same gui on server AND client causes issues

I have fixed the issue, thanks for your help guys. I just decided to fire the client and do all the GUI opening/closing on the client.

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Then why should he handle AN ADMIN GUI ON THE CLIENT? He should handle it all on the server so he doesn’t risk exploiters.

i didnt say make the commands on the client, obi-wan.

The fact that the GUI would allow unauthorized access is a terrible idea, and that’s probably not the case. You’re still right though.

Sorry, I didn’t notice that you solved it. I’m making an edit to not continue this thing

Guys let’s stop beefing, the issue has been solved now. Go help other people on other posts.

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You’re checking if they can open/close it on the client. They can just hook that.

besides, regardless of whether or not the panel’s visibility is on the client, exploiters can still write scripts to make it visible.

Okay. I’m just saying don’t do that in a local script. Since exploiters can hook that.

Yeah. That is true I guess. They should probably deleted the admin UI if they’re not an admin anyway.

typically gui handling should be done rather on the client rather than on the server side due to filtering enabled and speed and delay. this is because what happens on the client including guis isnt replicated to the server, so on the client if the gui is closed, the server may still think that the gui is still open and setting it to not open does nothing if the gui is already closed on the client, vice versa with the gui being opened on the client, the server may think the gui is closed and it will try to set the gui to opened, gui handling should be done client sided, ive always done my guis that way and had no issues

what u can do as a security measure to make sure only the correct people have authorization to the gui is by checking the play id on the server to see if it matches your or ur buddy’s user id, if it does, clone the gui from a server script to the player’s player gui folder then let the client handle everything else