Gui Scaling - Not to scale outside of studio

So I am making a gui but once I join outside of studio its not to scale and messed up. How can I work around this?

This tutorial should help, since your resolution changes when you leave studio and join in game, or you use a different device:

you need to install this plugin.

to make what you want to do, just select the gui you want to act on, then click on Unit Conversion in the plugin tab, and click position and scale, and the trick’s done. have fun scripting :slight_smile:

Do not drag the gui!
Instead, use this:
AnchorPoint: 0-1 (in X), 0-1 (in Y)
Position: {0-1, 0, 0-1, 0} Do not use the second ones.
Size: {0-1, 0, 0-1, 0} Do not use the second ones.

Also use UIAspectRatioConstraint :slightly_smiling_face: