GUI Size via Scale results in Incorrect Size

Yea and It is fixed reseting the character

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Still happening, since today [1AM CEST 30th September 2021] it’s happening even more then usually. First only a few times and didn’t get reported much, but now it happens almost every time.

We use Tweening to open the guis with size and position. But disabling make it still happen.
At this point it’s getting annoying that after 2 months it still hasn’t been fixed, I hope this will be solved as quick possible. Because this gives a bad user experience and monetization if the shop doesn’t show up.

Example in Studio

Here’s a few reports from players:

Even the next page buttons sometimes do not show up making players think there’s not a next page while the rest does show up. [in-game]

Quest window [in-game]


I have experienced this bug too, mostly while playing in-game. Only sometimes the bug fixes when I resize window, but often it doesn’t. So I’m just stuck with broken Roblox games which are out of the devs control. I also had a case in studio with some ui not wanting to show correctly(acting just the same like everything else reported), only reopening studio fixed it tho.


I’m experiencing the same scaling issue with my plugin widget UI. The only fix for it is to resize the widget window, but it happens frequently enough that it could cause some readability issues. Additionally, TextLabels and other UI objects are completely invisible until the widget is resized along with the scaling being wrong issue.

Invisible Text:

Expected Result after Resizing Widget:

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This appears to happen for mobile users also:

The bug starts to happen more and more often. For some players it’s becoming not playable.

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Has been happening for weeks now.

Only fixes by resizing the window or changing Size/Position.

Fixes when health changes:

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just here to say im having this issue as well

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Hello, I’m here to say that this is still happening. I was about to create a new topic, and then found this post here. For some reason, in my game, when I open a frame through a script, with all sizes of the children being scaled, it opens in a really small space until resizing the window. I’ve provided a video, information, and system specs below:

Problem Information

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High (I have no idea how to fix this)
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-11-07 5:26 MST
Date Last Experienced: N/A

System Specs


Intel Core i5-7200U
Intel HD Graphics 620


Windows 11 Home 21H2 (Latest as of post)


I just realized as of posting this that I didn’t show Size properties of any items inside of the frame I was opening. They are not scripted to change, and their X size scale is 1, as seen when not in-game

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Been having the same issue for a few months, only certain UI Instances are affected and they appear extremely small or at least a lot smaller than it should be and only fixes themselves when I resize the window. Happens both in-studio and in-game.

Example of problem:

Example of resizing fixing it:

It’s insane how long this has gone on and quite annoying having to resize my window every time to work on the UI.

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Something very wered is happening I maked a other place and I put a gui with frames and text label image label etc… in first 15 days everything is normal but afther this the bug returned. :frowning: and this is very bad.

And is happening until in fomous games like cruise story or others game

I am experiencing this bug still across all of my games. This is seriously affecting the way my games work because one of my games are GUI based. This is also causing major confusion since many GUIs are not scaling correctly and people aren’t sure how to fix it.

Im experiencing this bug as well. Nothing I center (anchor point in 0.5,0.5, position in 0.5,0,0.5,0) appears centered

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16th of December 2021:
Bug is still happening after 5 months on Computer, mobile and tablet.

Players keep reporting these issues, GUI animations are already disabled but doesn’t seem to solve the problem.

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Any news to this? It’s been happening for a long time now.

I have this issue here too, with a menu GUI for my group. I go out of fullscreen then (sometimes) when I go back in, it messes up the scaling and positions of text boxes inside the GUI.
Hoping it gets fixed soon!

We’re getting hit with this bug too. Any progress on a fix?
We recently introduced a custom character display name / health bar GUI using a BillboardGui. The health bar is a Frame within a Frame. Sure enough, the inner frame scaling is all out of whack the first time it gets shown. (the health bar is only visible when in battle).

Hello, is this issue still occurring? I’m unable to reproduce the issue with the given place file. Thanks!