GUI sizing issue

Hello! I am trying to make a main menu for my new game, but I am having an issue. The TextButtons and TextLabels are not in the right place for each screen. Is there any way of fixing this issue?

Have you tried using Scaled positions? That can help.

I have not. Is Scaled positions a property inside the GUI?

I am having the same issue as the post below

Scale the GUI by using this plugin AutoScale Lite - Roblox
In case you don’t know how to use it here’s a tutorial RobloxStudio Tutorial - AUTOSCALE Plugin by ZacBytes - YouTube

Using a plugin to solve the issue is useful, but understanding how to fix it is more helpful in the future. There are a few factors that affect sizing and position.

Using offset

  1. This involves the UI’s sizing, so first, go to the properties and navigate to size.
  2. Whenever the numerical value is on the right side of the comma that means it’s offset, so change it to scale by switching the 0 and numerical value.



This format of sizing ensures that the size is the same for all platforms, you’ll need to resize your UI once you switch from offset to scale.

Tabs open on the side

Tabs open on the side can affect the sizing and position from your studio’s perspective to game perspective. The best way to make sure your sizing and positioning is right after you create a UI is to close the tabs and see how it would look in game.

BEFORE (this shows the studio view)

AFTER (this shows the game view)

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