GUI || UICorner with Borders

Hi DevForum Community!

I’m currently trying to make an Admin GUI however I have encountered an issue. I have known of the issue for a long time however I’ve only just realised I needed to use the feature. So borders will be disabled if you add a UI Corner to your GUI. Is there any other way I could make a border round my GUI with it being rounded at the same time?


This is why I use a software. Sadly, at the moment Roblox isn’t advanced enough for these things. I just suggest doing this on a online editor or something. This isn’t evadable.

Put two frames in front of each other:

Hope this helped!


You can create the border style with another frame with UICorner applied.

Depends on how your GUI structure looks like, if done in the common way, please use Global for ZIndexBehavior, set the border frame’ ZIndex to the main container frame’s ZIndex but subtract it by 1, and set the parent to the main container frame.

However, your final result may look a bit weird (The corners are inconsistent). Rather than ignoring it, try subtracting the main container frame’s UICorner.Radius by 1-2px.


Really sorry to bump this thread, but for those in the future looking to do this… You can use UIStroke in order to create a border around a Frame with UICorner.


Yea but the problem Is the UI Stroke is still in beta

What is UIStroke? I’m assuming it’s new.

Yes, it’s basically a border or text border. Not to say you can only use it on text. And it works on rounded items.
See UIStroke - Studio Beta (UPDATE: re-enabled)

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