Guide to Scripting Bots | Javascript Tutorial | FunCaptcha and New Host Info

Go to Chrome > Private Tab > and then gert your cookie from there.

Okay, I don’t think your cookie has lasted 5 months because Noblox refreshes the cookie with the “sign out of all sessions” function to prevent the cookie from not functioning. I’m attempting to install this on my server, but there is an error:

roblox.cookieLogin(cookie)).catch(() => {console.log("Sorry, it failed.");});

It can last 5 Months, Are you using your main as the ranking account?

No. The cookies now expire every 24 hours and Noblox-js has a function that refreshes the cookie before the 24 hour cookie expiration. That’s why it seems to work.

I saw and there are two errors with your code.

roblox.cookieLogin(cookie)).catch(() => {console.log("Sorry, it failed.");});
^ There is an extra parenthesis.

var roblox = require('noblox.js');
var client = new discord.Client();
var token = "TOKEN_HERE"
var cookie = "COOKIE HERE"

You didn’t declare the Discord variable with:
var discord = require('discord.js');

So, after those two fixes. It’s all working.

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@MelonRBLX. @JustBillyH

The cookie has lasted about 5 months because its likely what I call a legacy cookie. I have a cookie that has been running for a year now that was made at the time and in a way the new captcha doesnt expire it.

Most brand new accounts do expire and obey the new refresh policy.

Ye, Legacy Cookies are best.
But you do get them odd day ones

Fixed the 2 Errors, Must of missed them by Mistake, Thansk for letting me know, The code now works.and I didnt miss requiring Discord It just cut it off for some reason, (had to edit it for it to show)
image (Noticed it cuts it off from the first Line my mistake, But its now sorted)

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All good, thanks for updating it.

Your updated code is worse than your last.

You have so many syntax errors I am not going to bother attempting to fix.

New Server for handling promotions by @H_mzah.


Good tutorial Need to learn discord.js development heavily

The code that @TechSpectrum used is outdated.

Its not outdated, It still works.

No, I mean when he uses Roblox.js, Roblox.js is outdated
So that code he used for Roblox.js is outdated
Now in the days pepole use Noblox.js

The code is updated to noblox as the solution

Ok, ok.
I know now, but is kinda hard to find something to host the bot (for people who are going to make a bot public)

Yeah I wrote specifically to use noblox and follow the cookie fix, everything else works.

Great tutorial, how would I fetch the members from a specific Roblox group? (discord.js)

Great tutorial, thanks very much. Includes a lot of detail into parts and I shall definitely use this in the future. :grinning: