Guide to Type-Checking with OOP

I omitted it for simplicity of the example but it’d look something like this if I wrote them:

type PrivateVariables = {
    name: string -- yippee! type safety 

loca privateVariables: { [Something]: PrivateVariables } = {}

local Something = {}
Something.__index = Something

function Something
     local self = setmetatable({}, Something)

    self.nothing = nil

    privateVariables[self] = {
        name = name,
    } -- tadaaaa
    return self

type Something = typeof(…)) -- right under new, before methods

function Something.doSomething(self: Something): ()
    privateVariables[self].name = 2 -- type warning! i think… i’m on mobile so i can’t test it

return Something

nice tutorial. Is there a way to access created types from modules? I use module.Type and it sort of works but I can access things like .__index

Adding export before a type makes it accessible under the namespace the module gets required by.

-- Module.luau
export type MyType = number
return nil

-- Server.luau
local MyModule = require(Module.luau)
local A: MyModule.MyType = 1

Unfortunately having .__index exposed is a side effect of capturing the whole class table as a metatable.

However, you can set Car.__index to just a new table and then put the methods inside it. It wastes more memory, but it fixes your problem.

local Car = {}
Car.__index = {}

-- Same Stuff...

function Car.__index.Boost(self: Car): ()
	self.Speed += 50
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guess I gotta cope lol. anyway thanks

I just predefined the entire module script as a type in a separate module underneath the module script and require it for typing.

So tedious but looks cleaner imo, and let’s u really think ab what ur coding.

Pre defining your object data table and the object module