Guide to Web Development

Added instructions on a MySQL database installation, adding a MongoDB one soon. I also plan to add instructions for how to setting Cloudflare to the server.

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Updated to include information about adding Cloudflare.

Updated with some information on Docker and Kubernetes, will expand these topics later but right now they are explanations of what they are used for and how they work together to make scalable websites.

Two more chapters released!

  • Double Authentication - The different methods for verifying a users identity.
  • Career and Education - Universities and Bootcamp

Next: OAuth2


Nice job, Keep it up!

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Do you guys want to know how a minecraft server is hosted?

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I think if you do that, you’ll end up crashing the discourse system entirely with an overflow of users + likes given at the same time.

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With this new game Hytale coming out I decided to learn how because I figured since the games developers were inspired by MC, and they are also using Java for the open source server code - it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say they make try to make the setup familiar. I also just like owning my own applications, 3rd parties like make it easy sure, but its nice to have it be in your control. I even managed to make it work with a subdomain using the DNS.

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Just finished the guide on Minecraft server hosting, I do not write these guides as I do my own setup but I go back and write what I done such as commands, sometimes not in exact order. If you experience issues follow the guide or wish something be better worded let me know.

Also I would appreciate it if you guys would let me know what you want to see added. I pretty much use this thread as a “Learning Diary” where I post all the new stuff I learn and such.

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Next Chapter might be on how to make a Kali Linux boot USB, since I already made one myself so you can dual boot from any computer or virtual machine.


Parrot Sec OS is also pretty hot. Although maybe look at Ubuntu instead, may be more easier?


I’ll check out Parrot Sec OS, as for Ubuntu I’m not particularly interested but I may cover it. Really setting up one bootable drive should really not be too different from setting up any other OS compared to one or the other. Im also going to cover making it have a persistent drive.


New chapter released, not as well written as most others cause it’s a busy week, so to make things easier I linked a video for most of Kali but went over everything else for Fedora.


thanks for this alot!


No problem, guess you found something you wanted to learn. XD


oh yes I did

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Thank you so much for this, it’ll help me alot.

Could you by any chance help me or provide a tutorial on how to make a ROBLOX game to Discord integration? Like not one of those “!promote user” and the user will be promoted in ROBLOX.

I’m looking for like where for example, a voice chat system. Let’s say that you are in a discord server and you joined a voice channel. Once you joined the channel, a microphone gui will appear above your head ingame indicating you’re using voice chat. How will I accomplish this? This is just an example so I could grasp my hand around the method.

Also, is it possible to use your own ip address for the url instead of having a domain? (the bot would be self hosted). I believe this is possible as I saw a friend of mine done it.


Voice commands in Discord are incredibly unreliable because of how streams are handled, you will end up splicing together several stream data files to try to fill a coherent file to then trans-code as a command. It’s just so much better to do a regular command than do a voice command.

I believe you could use WAMP to host it the way I think you’re wanting. I do not recommend hosting your IP to the web by any means, do not do it for running a public service or site unless you know what you’re doing security wise. It’s much safer to use a official service such as Heroku or Digital Ocean.


The voice chat was just a mere example so that I could understand how to do the rest of the stuff. If voice commands are unreliable, I guess another example would be a feedback system. (without using webhooks)

Let’s say, someone writes a feedback in the game and then the bot would write that same feedback in discord. It needs to be the bot so that I could do other stuff such as await reactions, et cetera. I’m just trying to know how’d you connect ROBLOX to to my discord bot.

Also, understood about the IP url.


Simply write a REST API to receive the request with the arguements for what server and channel the user wants to send it to.

So for example a URL such as:

You can message me on Discord at TechSpectrum#2620 if you want any help but I suggest you learn REST API’s from this video series for Nodejs.

Just make the server take the request and give it to the logged in discord bot (using discord.js) to send the message and do what else you need to it.