GuiObjects do not show below disabled TopBar

GuiObjects do not show below a disabled topbar.
The white frame’s size in the picture below is: {1, 0},{1, 36}, and it’s position is: {0, 0},{0, -36}.
So this frame should appear below the disabled topbar.

This glitch happens 100% of the time for me on PC, everything seems to be working fine on mobile though.
topbar.rbxl (12.7 KB)


100% repro for me too

this better be a bug or i’m going to be legitimately pissed off. i’ve already started taking advantage of this space for game stats and notifications. don’t make me redo my design.

please be a bug.

what needs to happen is when you disable the top bar, you should be able to get that screen space back.

I hope so too, but an interesting observation is that this behavior seems like they have a frame below the topbar for all GUI items and have ClipDescendants enabled on it. Why would I say ClipDescendants instead of regular clipping? Observe a frame positioned into the topbar and a frame with Rotation=0.001 to the right of it:


If you’re referring to automatically moving GUIs up, this might cause issues where GUIs assume the topbar exists + position themselves at -30 on the Y axis and then find themselves partially off-screen when the topbar disappears. Assuming this is in fact a bug, I just wish disabling the topbar gave us that mouse space back (currently it intentionally steals mouse input even when disabled).

thats because rotating a gui object breaks clipping for ClipDescendants, I made a mini-map gui that had rotated labels in it and because the were rotated they still showed outside the gui that had ClipDescendants activated



I thought the top bar was a dumb idea from the beginning. I would perfer it if you could just disable the CoreGui so you can have a fully customizable screen space.

It’s a really good idea for most games because it means ROBLOX can play around with the CoreGui without screwing up our games. I don’t know if it’s lost its notoriety since it’s been so long since we’ve had the issue, but designing UI and then finding out it was broken by ROBLOX repositioning their CoreGui was the worst. That being said, not all games use the ROBLOX CoreGui which would just leave an blank black bar that was just a waste of space (what I imagine you’re referring to) – we should definitely be able to disable that, and thankfully ROBLOX finally caved in and allowed us to. We could disable the topbar and then design GUIs as if it never existed in the first place. The only issue was that it (intentionally) stole mouse clicks, which it shouldn’t.

Yeah that’s why I said it reminded me of ClipDescendants

Lets be honest, the top bar shouldn’t even exist. It should just be an invisible container for the chat button, backpack etc. It is a blight on the UI and although we can disable it we must do so at the cost of also losing the chat and leaderboard. :doh:

I completely agree!!

It looks super ugly with all those floating icons and no background. The topbar is an amazing thing and only was an issue because it was forced. Now it’s not (bugs aside), so there’s nothing to complain about. If you don’t like the look of the background, you can disable it. If the developers of the games you play haven’t disabled it, that means they prefer the look of it.

I agree completely. I don’t really mind the topbar that much, as long as there is a workaround.

Or they feel the time spent creating custom chat and leaderboard UIs could be better spent working on something else.

No other game creation platform forces such an eyesore design on the games created on the platform.

If ROBLOX wants to be seen as a game creation platform and not just a set of games bundled together (most with some weird half transparent bar at the top) it should stop trying to create a strange unified ui aesthetic.

As a counter argument; if you don’t like floating chat buttons, make your own semi transparent bar. You’d probably find then that most people don’t bother and stick with that they are given (the same is true with the top bar being default)

Anyway I hope this bug is fixed soon, I have the top of my UI as a coloured bar to match a game status UI and it looks fairly good.

@darthskrill, could you shine your light on this issue ?

A unified aesthetic does not hinder ROBLOX’s image as a game creation platform unless it’s forced. The topbar is not. You’re given the ability to disable it.

That just sounds like entitlement to me. ROBLOX makes a default, gives the ability to replace it with something custom-built, but then people turn around and complain that their desired customizations aren’t done for them? There’s a point where we just have to stop whining for stuff to be done for us and get out and do it ourselves.

My point is that it makes no sense that we have to spend time working on custom UIs when we want to just use the normal chat but yet we have to because removing the top bar somehow means we can’t have a leaderboard or chat anymore.

Why do you need to disable the topbar if you’re not using your own custom UI? If you’re using the default chat and leaderboard, they don’t have conflicting aesthetics, and they don’t clip into the topbar. The only thing you’d accomplish is disabling that black bar, but if you’re not going to put anything there or have UI that doesn’t match with it, what’s the point?

Good news guys! It appears to be fixed.

Thanks alot to whoever fixed this glitch!

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