GuiObjects don't replicate at the same time as their parent ScreenGui

Hey developers!

After having added more and more items to my user interface over time, I’ve seen an increase in reports from players about their interface not being initialized simply due to not using :WaitForChild for each GuiObject to ensure they’ve loaded – which is a replication behavior which I find strange.

So it got me digging around to see if there’s a way out there that’s better practice to ensure that the objects I want to index are already replicated compared to manually calling :WaitForChild for each and every object – which seems like unnecessarily bad practice and code clutter.

Similar to the user who made this post, I expect all GuiObjects to be replicated at the same time as the ScreenGui:

The closest I was to finding a solution was an announcement post which introduced a new streaming behavior type directed towards Model instances. However this behavior doesn’t seem to exist for other instances (in my case ScreenGuis):


I’m looking for a way to ensure that all GuiObjects part of a ScreenGui is replicated before initializing the interface through code.

If you’ve faced this issue before, what did you end up doing and did you find a workaround?

You can force it to load the images using ContentProvider PerloadAsync:

Create a table of the images that you need to preload, then allow it to preload once the script has started to control the UI.

This resource, although from several years ago, has useful information for avoiding excessive usage of :WaitForChild() calls on UI objects:

It’s unfortunate that there has not yet been an equivalent version of Atomic Models for UI objects, but if I recall correctly, one of the Roblox Staff Members has mentioned that there are plans in the future to implement something similar that would help limit over-reliance on :WaitForChild() for UI. If that’s something that was really mentioned, I’ll be sure to edit my post with a reference to that if I can find it!