Gun system players accessories blocking gun shots (its not letting me shoot it or make a damage)

I will mark this as a solution

So what I did is go to the Raycast part

create blacklist for accessories:

  • make a list (blacklist) excluding the player’s character but including all accessories and their parts

local blacklist = {self.character} for _, acc in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if acc:IsA("Accessory") then if acc:FindFirstChild("Handle") then table.insert(blacklist, acc.Handle) else for _, part in pairs(acc:GetDescendants()) do table.insert(blacklist, part) end end end end

set up raycast parameters:

  • configure raycast parameters to ignore water, exclude items in the blacklist, and set other necessary properties

perform raycast:

  • cast a ray with the custom parameters. if the ray hits something, print the position; otherwise, return a distant point

local hitResult = workspace:Raycast(ray.Origin, ray.Direction * 1000, castParams) if hitResult then print("hit position:", hitResult.Position) return hitResult.Position else print("no hit, returning a point far along the ray.") return ray.Origin + ray.Direction * 1000 end


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