Item left onsale after timer broke

I’ve already said it isn’t a duplicate report neither an offer through.

I don’t feel like people will be willing to trust you on this if the entire report is only available to be seen by Roblox staff. People like to see and comment on other people’s bug reports here even though staff are the inteded audience for fixing them.


I would be willing to explain if more people understood that timed items are different than discounted items. But I already learned my lesson since my last post unfortunately

I believe the specific timed items you refered to in the last post were intended to be left onsale after the timer ran out, though at an increased price. Roblox historically hasn’t used different timers for items that are only temporarily able to be purchased and items that only have a temporarily reduced price.


This is a different case than those, and either way the items I referred to in my previous post used the timed symbols not the sale indicator, also never claimed to be discounted in the description which is a bug

Yes, but as other’s have pointed out they were announced as being kept onsale with increased prices, which is what ended up happening. Whether or not the description stated this or not is irrelevant. The other thing to consider is that Roblox has not always used the sale indicator when an item has been reduced in price and has used the timer symbol for this. Roblox has been notorious when it comes to consistency with the Marketplace and this is just another instance of that occuring, not a bug with the items being kept onsale.


That wasn’t an announcement that was just a forum post saying items would either be discounted, timed or limited which is incredibly vague and wouldn’t of helped people thinking that these items were timed. As I said the sale was deceitful. Nonetheless those sales and this bug report are not alike there’s no much else to say.

Devs like @HexLineal and @1ukis have public bots pushing out notifications whenever an item gets updated, so the community will usually find out when an item goes off sale.

Hex & Lukas’ Item Notifier

It’s easy to assume that changes are a set-in-stone irrefutable once they’re made, but like you and I, staff are only human. There’s been nearly two decades of sales, events, promos, and more. There’s bound to be some context that staff miss when making changes. Don’t be afraid to make a new Catalog Asset bug report if there’s proof that an item should’ve stayed on sale!


Thanks, I’ll link this post in the future so people know not to comment

Not the takeaway I expected out of this, not one I’d suggest either. Private posts block the opportunity for experienced community members to add context. Using my reply as a shield implies you’re aware of this, and don’t value the staff’s time enough to give that context room to talk. Instead, they’re burning away resources pushing a fix only to undo it later. Effort spent for nothing in the bigger picture, effort which could’ve gone towards real fixes.


You’ve used the private message feature in catalog assets aswell? Also if you’ve been looking at forums recently staff only really like updating small things, otherwise your post will be denied as a “design feature”

Personally there is a limit to this and you have achieved the limit
There is no need for the hairs to go offsale, they were originally discounted to 2 robux before going to 350. Please stop aiming for a rare inventory by requesting everything on the catalog to go offsale and misusing the forum

This is like talking to a wall.

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… I’ve already said twice this isn’t a duplicate report, neither is it the same situation as what you’re referring to.

This is one of the longest threads on the catalog assets DevForum and nobody can even see the bug listed, and I’ve had to repeat myself twice. Please stop replying to this thread.

So please state exactly what the item is that you have reported
people cant read a private message so how are they going to know

If its so private then clearly its going to upset the community ? am i correct

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Unless you can explain what important context the community could add to a report about a design flaw which gives an animal item inappropriate details, this isn’t the gotcha you’re looking for.

There’s no design feature conspiracy here. Small issues are fixed more often because they don’t take much time to fix. Recreating an entire texture, fixing old geometry while still preserving its original look, these things take time! Double checking an issue with other catalog team members probably isn’t taking anywhere near as long unless it’s for a high value item. Unless any staff members say otherwise, I’m going to take a healthy guess and say it takes a few minutes at most to fix a typo.

unnecessary, sorry dude my bad

And this post is ambiguous so how could you determine this couldn’t be a similar or the same problem to what your experiencing :man_shrugging: As I said there’s no point trying to argue with literally nothing to work with.

And yes, I can understand it, but it’s annoying when items that are obviously broken are ruled out as design choices instead of looking into permanent fixes whether that takes a while or not.

Because I read the title of the post, " Item left onsale after timer broke ". Gonna stop replying from here since assuming I can’t read the first six words of your report doesn’t feel like it’s in good faith.

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