Hats block headshots (Even with IgnoreList)

Just found the fix lol, well, almost definite fix.

for _,v in pairs(workspace.CharactersFolder.:GetDescendants()) do
if v.Parent:IsA(“Accessory”) then
v.Size = Vector3.new(0,0,0)

Unless u guys have an even better solution this is the best i could find, thanks for ur input

Well, 2 people (@artfvl & @AdvancedDrone) have now mentioned that you could add the accessory to the ignorelist to make it work.

if Descendant:IsA("Accessory") then table.insert(IgnoreList, Descendant) end

I did that and it didnt make a difference

If IgnoreList doesn’t work with FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList then there might be something wrong with the code.

Uh you know you could of done this incase it hits the hats :

local damages = {
    Head = 15,
    Torso = 10,
    Else = 5
local torsoTypes = {
    UpperTorso = true,
    LowerTorso = true,
    Torso = true,
    HumanoidRootPart = true

local function getDamage(hit)
    if not hit then return end

    if hit and ((hit.Parent and hit.Parent:IsA("Accessory")) or hit:IsA("Accessory") or hit.Name == "Head") then
        return damages.Head
    if torsoTypes[hit.Name] then
        return damages.Torso
    return damages.Else
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If you’re checking if it’s an Accessory and the user fires the gun at their BackAccessory, it would still register as a head shot. I would recommend checking if Hit has a HatAttachment (or whatever Attachments are on the head).

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Uhh idk how this got bumped, was definitely something wrong with my code back then but I have a simple trick to getting around hitting accessories.

local ig = {} -- ignore list
function Raycast(p1,p2,dist)
	local ray = Ray.new(p1, (p2 - p1).unit * dist)
	local part, position,normal = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ig, false, true)

	if part.Parent:IsA("Accessory") then
		table.insert(ig,part) -- adds to the ignore list
		return Raycast(p1,p2,dist) -- do the raycast again
		return part,position,normal

Bumping this thread because while it works, now there are newer and better methods than recasting the ray and performing an if statement check.

Now you can just add the accessory to a collision group or disable CanQuery for them to make raycast just not hit them at all.

Works for both new and old raycast methods as by default they are in the Default collision group.