HAU's Admin Panel [ALPHA]

That’s an Admin system and this is an Admin panel.

This Admin panel has an page animation and warn feature (coming soon) for now.

Because of the warning system, and the UI…?

I don’t really see what you mean by that.

Most admin systems have a warn system built-in.

For example, when you click an button it will move to the side with speed and then show the GUI.

That’s not a selling point for me or any serious developer. Admin systems should be reliable and fast to use, a bit of tweening is superfluous in my opinion. Not to mention there’s a few ones that allow you to tweak the UI with no modifications to the actual system.

Other than the warn system, is there anything else new that this admin panel brings to the table?


Yes, unban and logs are coming soon too.

But pretty much every other admin system logs actions and allows unbans?

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Ok, since you said “every” admin panel logs actions, can you explain every admin panel system that does that?