Have Color3 be the key in a table

I want to store a Color3 value as a key, and have it reference a Vector2, like so

local ButtonOffsets = {
	[Color3.fromRGB(83, 209, 255)] = Vector2.new(0, 0), -- Blue
	[Color3.fromRGB(255, 118, 39)] = Vector2.new(200, 0), -- Orange
	[Color3.fromRGB(69, 238, 111)] = Vector2.new(400, 0), -- Green
	[Color3.fromRGB(248, 171, 255)] = Vector2.new(600, 0), -- Pink
	[Color3.fromRGB(237, 245, 67)] = Vector2.new(0, 200), -- Yellow
	[Color3.fromRGB(96, 68, 2357)] = Vector2.new(200, 200), -- Purple
	[Color3.fromRGB(255, 30, 30)] = Vector2.new(400, 200), -- Red
	[Color3.fromRGB(80, 80, 80)] = Vector2.new(600, 200), -- Grey

print(Favourite) -- 0.32549, 0.819608, 1
print(ButtonOffsets[Favourite]) -- nil
v.ImageRectOffset = ButtonOffsets[Favourite] -- Error

However, that’s what the prints return. Just to clarify, this is what ‘Favourite’ is

Favourite = Color3.fromRGB(PlayerData.FavouriteColor[1].Value, PlayerData.FavouriteColor[2].Value, PlayerData.FavouriteColor[3].Value)

Please note, I am NOT gonna change the keys to anything else. Doing so would require a complete rework of the rest of the script as well as resetting my data store system, thus removing everyones previous data. I’ve only posted the necessary parts of the code

Not sure if it’s possible. I printed favorite and also printed all members of ButtonOffsets. A key with the same name certainly exists, but it isn’t matching it for some reason. You can use a for loop, until someone else with more knowledge on this can help (if, it’s possible…)

The following worked for me:
