Having an issue with :RegisterCollisionGroup. Characters can still collide with other characters

that’s cool and all but can you explain why? or are you just regurgitating the code roblox has given? because i’m not seeing anything in the documentation about specifically using descendants either.

There’s no reason to use descendants added tbh, just disable collisions on tools and call it a day with CharacterAppearanceLoaded

It’s really just because of accessories they contain handles that other players can collide with lol.

handles have cancollide off
30 chqweraracters…

Well I guess you contradicted yourself, there’s no reason for using descendants lol

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i guess the question is which is slightly better… character appearance loaded or ondescendantadded… imo it’s trivial. both ways seem to work just fine and wouldn’t have any issues. i’m going to use character appearance until i have any problems with it

only reason i can think of using descendants is because if you add parts inside other parts in the character

or add groups of parts into the character

so that would be game specific then?

yeah it would be game specific

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If your game changes the avatar body package, you need DescendantAdded