Having trouble with making checkpoints save after you leave the game

Hi guys,
So I am making an obby called The Nil Obby and I am trying to make my checkpoints so that if you leave the game and join back you are on the same checkpoint where you left off. I tried to scripting it myself, to no avail. Then I tried looking on yt, still nothing. Does anyone know any resources/what to do? Thanks!

BasePart.Touched (roblox.com)
Data Stores (roblox.com)
Players.PlayerAdded (roblox.com)
CFrame (roblox.com)

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This is really simple. Use Data Stores. You wanna have a cache system. Loop over a player, when a player reaches a checkpoint one more than before, update the new checkpoint number to the cached data. Now all you got to do is save data when the player leaves.

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It is something simple, you must learn to use the datastore to learn to save information when you touch the save point with a RemoteFunction or RemoteEvent and get information when you enter the game, inside the information you can save your Cframe or if you don’t care about the rotation, the player’s position. Now I don’t know how your saving system will be, if it is an object that you step on (Touched Event) or a GUI Button opens that lets you save, but you have a general idea of ​​what you should do.

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