What do you want to achieve?
Server side functionality to let everyone see where you’re looking. The player should locally see their own raw animation, and the data that gets sent to the RemoteEvent to be replicated should be seen by everyone else. -
What is the issue?
The replicated anim overlaps the raw clientside anim causing jittery movement (when it’s just the LocalScript, it behaves exactly as it should - except of course only you can see your anim)
robloxapp-20230604-2225449.wmv (1.5 MB)
(Sorry about the horrendous quality, makes it look a lot smoother than it isI think the anim result is this jittery because of overlapping, as when tested other player anims end up smoother than your own. May not be
What solutions have you tried so far?
Checking tutorials, asking ChatGPT, thinking of logic that’d make it work - to no avail. This is by far the most complicated system implemented in my game, but it’d be lovely to have as it’s a clothing store, and as you browse you look at the clothing you’re interested in (using proximity prompts) before trying it on or buying it. That’s why I tried any means to get it working, and the result was a script that works really nicely, but only on the client’s side
Place + code:
Anim.rbxl (43.9 KB)
LocalScript inside of StarterCharacterScripts
local Ang = CFrame.Angles
local aSin = math.asin
local aTan = math.atan
local Cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Body = Plr.Character or Plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Head = Body:WaitForChild("Head")
local Hum = Body:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Core = Body:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local IsR6 = (Hum.RigType.Value == 0)
local Trso = (IsR6 and Body:WaitForChild("Torso")) or Body:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")
local Neck = (IsR6 and Trso:WaitForChild("Neck")) or Head:WaitForChild("Neck")
local Waist = (not IsR6 and Trso:WaitForChild("Waist"))
local HeadHorFactor = 1
local HeadVertFactor = 0.75
local BodyHorFactor = 0.15
local BodyVertFactor = 0.15
local UpdateSpeed = 0.15
local NeckOrgnC0 = Neck.C0
local WaistOrgnC0 = (not IsR6 and Waist.C0)
Neck.MaxVelocity = 1/3
local AnimatePlayerEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AnimatePlayerEvent")
local CamCF = Cam.CoordinateFrame
if ((IsR6 and Body["Torso"]) or Body["UpperTorso"]) and Body["Head"] then
local TrsoLV = Trso.CFrame.lookVector
local HdPos = Head.CFrame.p
if IsR6 and Neck or Neck and Waist then
if Cam.CameraSubject:IsDescendantOf(Body) or Cam.CameraSubject:IsDescendantOf(Plr) then
local Dist, Diff
Dist = (Head.CFrame.p - CamCF.p).magnitude
Diff = Head.CFrame.Y - CamCF.Y
if not IsR6 then
Neck.C0 = Neck.C0:lerp(NeckOrgnC0 * Ang((aSin(Diff/Dist) * HeadVertFactor), -(((HdPos - CamCF.p).Unit):Cross(TrsoLV)).Y * HeadHorFactor, 0), UpdateSpeed / 2)
Waist.C0 = Waist.C0:lerp(WaistOrgnC0 * Ang((aSin(Diff/Dist) * BodyVertFactor), -(((HdPos - CamCF.p).Unit):Cross(TrsoLV)).Y * BodyHorFactor, 0), UpdateSpeed / 2)
Neck.C0 = Neck.C0:lerp(NeckOrgnC0 * Ang(-(aSin(Diff/Dist) * HeadVertFactor), 0, -(((HdPos - CamCF.p).Unit):Cross(TrsoLV)).Y * HeadHorFactor), UpdateSpeed / 2)
local animationData = {
NeckC0 = Neck.C0,
WaistC0 = Waist.C0,
IsR6 = IsR6
Script inside of ServerScriptService
local AnimatePlayerEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AnimatePlayerEvent")
local function animatePlayer(player, animationData)
local character = player.Character
if not character then
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if not humanoid then
local isR6 = animationData.IsR6
local neckC0 = animationData.NeckC0
local waistC0 = animationData.WaistC0
local torso = isR6 and character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or character:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
local neck = isR6 and torso:FindFirstChild("Neck") or character:FindFirstChild("Head"):FindFirstChild("Neck")
local waist = not isR6 and torso:FindFirstChild("Waist")
if neck and waist then
neck.C0 = neckC0
waist.C0 = waistC0
RemoteEvent called AnimatePlayerEvent inside of ReplicatedStorage