Yeah becasue whatever your problem is start here in this line. You messed something up there.
Just tried and it didnt work and there was a lot of red and blue text
when i change it to a capitial it makes it now work at all
Ima try some more stuff to check if it works
I think @AridFights1 is on the right track
if game:GetService(‘MarketplaceService’):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, 15880440)then
local playerHead = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Character).Head
playerHead.Transparency = 1
print(player.Name…‘s head has been removed… they have the gamepass!’)
local gamepass = 15880440
return gamepass
Did you updated the game? If not then update it
I tried all the fixes listed above and none of them fixes the issue
if game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, 15880440)then
local playerHead = char.Head
playerHead.Transparency = 1
print(player.Name..'s head has been removed... they have the gamepass!')
local gamepass = 15880440
return gamepass
Dont delete the head or the player will die
Have you published it to roblox?
Please read my post above, it lists clear points that you need.
Yes, I saved it then published to roblox. It works in studio but not in game for some reason.
You need to destroy the face. Thats what he means not the head
The play heads don’t get deleted “playerHead.Transparency = 1” it goes to 1 transparent the face gets deleted though. It works in studio on how I want it to just not in a actual game
try updating the game once again
Then set the transparrncy to 0.9999
The face is getting destoryed “playerHead.face:Destroy()” The head goes to a 1 transparent but face just gets destoryed
I edited my code aswell, check it out
What one? I see multiple codes above and now sure what one it is
So you want it to be destroyed? Or no?
Why exactly would that be helpful?