Help / advise to make a GFX

Hello to all devform members. A few days ago I started to create a GFX for my game image. However, I’m not very good at it so I liked to have your advice / help.
Im using Blender and a custom rig created by Matt RBX (I prefer the rig rather than importing the player model)
My current version of Blender is 2.79a
Here is a picture of what i have done so far :

The look in roblox is pretty different :
(The map was builded by @TekiSama for my game)


You need a clear lighting for the GFX, so it looks realistic and cool.

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If you want to get a similar look in Blender to the roblox scene, first of all you should match up the textures. I see in the roblox scene, the chair and floor both have a blue fabric, unless that is just because of the lighting, in which case I would change the color of the lighting in Blender. You could do that by changing the color of the light source.

Also, if you want the light to come through the windows on the wall, you should edit it so it can allow light to pass through, something like this

You can also mess around with the strength of the light source to try to get your desired effect. A lot of learning how to do GFX is trial and error, finding out what works and what doesn’t. Also, I recommend putting some bends into his arms so he doesn’t look so rigid.

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Do you know how i could make the texture the same? Despite my tests I did not manage to import / get the texture of this group

Make sure the use matt’s ultimate rig beta it is definitely the easiest one to use

I don’t think this will cause any problem but if it does I would import a character roblox

Trust me if you take this further I assure you’re always gonna wanna use rigs unless in very specific cases

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Ok. I just found this out for myself lol, but the default roblox textures don’t show up when you import a model from studio into blender. I found a devforum post that has images of all the roblox textures here All Roblox Part Textures (PRE JUNE 2021).

All you need to do is find the texture you need and add it into the node setup for the model in blender.

You add the image to an image texture node, and I found that using a RGBmix node with the factor set to around 0.95 worked best. You can change the color on the bottom of the mix node to whatever you want. If you don’t want to use a mix node, you can also just edit the color of the texture using photo editing software like paint .NET or photoshop.


Thx ! Now, how im creating/using node setup ?

The gfx looks cool but there is some problem with the light coming out of no where. Try adding a low powered bulb or a desk bulb only spreading the light on the desk, making it more scary and realistic.

You can either click on the shading tab on the top (if you don’t see it, click on the “+” button and go to general > shading). You can also access the material nodes by clicking on the editor type button and switch it to shader editor.

There should already be nodes showing for the selected object, if not, that means you need to give the object a material.

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Hey, thank you everything works fine, despite the fact that I marked the problem as solved, I would like to know how to make my part of glass transparent