HELP Custom Chat with Filtering

ok so i follow all the guide and i think im ok but it still doesnt work :
the local script

and the server script

This is the problem:


Replace this with:

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i got this error … :confused:

Replace this (Line 34 of main script):


Event:FireClient(player, filteredMessage)
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Also, add this to the start of the chat gui:

script:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("ScreenGui").Enabled = false
script:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("ScreenGui").Enabled = game:GetService("Chat"):CanUserChatAsync(game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId)

This is required by Roblox as it respects parental controls.

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Sorry, you should replace this with (again another Roblox requirement):

if game:GetService("Chat"):CanUsersChatAsync(sender.UserId, player.UserId) then
Event:FireClient(player, filteredMessage)

This is so blocked players cannot chat with each other, Roblox prohibits blocked users chatting to each other…

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OKAY ! ITS WORK ! Thank you a lot man <3

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