[HELP] Ever had that feeling before?

Ever had that feeling like you can’t build anything, or don’t know how even though you have many good, and highly detailed builds? What did you do to fix your problem?


I built stuff from inspiration, from what I was wanted to do.

No references,


Hello! It seems like you are having a burnout, it is pretty common and can be very hard to deal with. The best ways I have dealt with a burnout is taking long breaks which usually urged me to go back to programming or just writing code for fun and experimenting. Here is a very good article which explains what a burnout is and how to overcome it. If you are a procrastinator like I was in the past (although I still do procrastinate sometimes and it is 100% normal), I’d recommend creating a schedule which you must stick to. It is very hard in the beginning but considering it as a challenge or something you have to do everyday. It really helps. Good luck!


I feel like this is more of an individual concern. Try taking a break from studio, if you don’t feel for creating anything, it’s probably better to leave it like that until your motivation comes back. It’s not your duty to build, therefor you should ask yourself if you really have to build anything right now.
If you try to squeeze a creation out of your mind just in order to create something, wouldn’t you doubt the outcome?

Anyway, good luck with your building whether you decide to take a break or continue.


Thanks for this article, it’s just every time I try to build something I’m used to building for example structures, etc. I start on it with motivation, and then loose it quickly when I’m either half way done, or 3/4ths of the way done

This is an example of one of my buildings I couldn’t finish because of the lack of motivation

It’s been less than a year of taking developing seriously, and I can’t believe I’m facing this I used to love to build all the time. I guess I’m just testing myself on how good, or bad I am at building. I’m not sure for right now.

One question I have is would a break effect performance wise?


Yeah that is completely normal and you will face burnouts a lot of times. You can’t just gain motivation back magically, do what you feel like doing and put your mind off of building for a period of time, then start building for fun and organize a schedule where you have free time to do anything you want but also build at the same time. If you have problems while concentrating and enjoyment in development causing you to lose motivation, I have a tip. Try it and see if it works for you. Put on alpha waves music, they have been scientifically proven to increase concentration, make you happy and various other benefits which you can read about on the internet. Turn off everything that might distract you and if possible even lights. When I do this, after a few minutes I get put in a state called “flow state” where you are basically very concentrated, motivated & happy overall. It is very useful. Before doing this make sure there is nothing around you that can bother you or distract you during this time because it is very easy to get put off of it. Good luck! Please let me know if this worked for you and if you have any type or form of other things concerning you feel free to DM me, I am not a professional by any means but I have been there before and I think that I can help you up to a certain degree.


I’ll definitely use your method I’ll build a structure tonight with the music and see how it tones me.


Some days I can build 50% of my game in a day. Some days I can’t do anything. Happens to us all.


it helps to not forget why you began building in the first place - dont turn what you love into a chore