Help for custom variable require detection bypass [advanced scripting]

Basically, i was working on a plugin that works like a anti malware app, you know it has real time protection system. I though about making a plugin that does the same for toolbox models virus.

I reached a overall 89% detection rate ratio until this bypass happened:


if string.find(object.Source,"LoadAsset") then
		threatsfounds += 1

	if string.find(object.Source, "require%s*%(%s*%d+%s*%)") then
		threatsfounds += 1


local HYRO,_=--[[]]require,function()local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;local A=10;end local thing=HYRO(81461376101712)

No not just searching if require is enough, i don’t want players to have require for modules scripts in game affected by the system such as looking for exemple require(game.ServerScriptService.ModuleScript)


You can perhaps try to use Script Capabilities.

Does anyone will remember to use this when you will realise some of the viruses hides the output. Sandbox will only work on studio not in the actual roblox game. Its why i’m making the plugin to attempt to protect peoples against recent viruses that are around the roblox platform all just by having a real time protection.

It’s been released as a client beta.

Yes but you have to select the models you want to put into the sandbox, not everyone will do that letting them at risks from server side exploits.

Then create a detection system for every newly added model, run through it using a for loop or directly get the descendants of it, and if the for loop ever finds a Script instance, automatically set the capabilities of it.

its what planned, however in my system i want it to also remove the viruses script because they will take server memory just for beeing stop.

Also scripts don’t have the enums to create a experimental sandbox environement.

I’m thinking of bringing developers an open choice of they script running in they game. Its why using a plugin would make things munch faster for thems expecially for newer developers.