[Help]: Making a Twitter Verification system

Good afternoon! I was attempting to make a system where if you are following the specific handle on Twitter, you would be granted 15+ health in all games under my group.

(Inspired by @Ponchokings’s twitter verification system)

However, I’m not good with API nor HttpService what-so-ever. I’m not that kind of scripter. However, I want this goal to be achieved. Any help, files, scripts, whatever necessary is appreciated.

View the video below:
[Normally it’d give me a surprise but the system is under maintenance at the moment.]


you can get a JSON table from Twitter using some link (you can find that here: GET followers/list | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform) and use the following code:

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Twitter_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/list.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=twitterdev&skip_status=true&include_user_entities=false" --the 
--example  link of the Twitter API
local followers = httpService:GetAsync(Twitter_URL)
local followersTable = httpService:JSONDecode(followers)

and next you need get the name of the followers according to what the Twitter API indicates, using a for cicles.
You will need to read the Twitter API, and I recommend you read too the HttpService API. Links here:

(HttpService API)

(Get followers list Twitter’s API)

(user object definition, for find the name of each follower)


Thank you so much for your help. However, I didn’t mark it as a solution because I don’t like to get in to HTTP’s and API’s as it annoys me and I don’t develop like that.

All of this feels blurry to me.


If you don’t like http and apis you’re just gonna have to get out of your comfort zone, as that is what you need to use. Code was literally provided by SoyunPRO5724, so just use it. If you feel like you can’t use the code that he provided just ask and I’ll make some.


No problem, but I consider is very difficult that you can find any solution without using HttpService; anyway, good luck!

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You have to use HttpService regardless. There’s no built in api request function for twitter.

Most games with Twitter verification don’t actually check if you are following a user or not. If you just type in a random username, as long as it fits a certain criteria (like it has an @ before the username, and it has a certain number of characters or less, then it works.

If you don’t want to do this, then you have to use HTTPService, so I would suggest Ajolote_372’s solution.


I’m a bit confused on how to use this. This only returns an error: HTTP 400 (Bad Request)

local TwitterUserName = “TwitterUserName” --// Insert twitter username here

local HttpService = game:GetService(“HttpService”)

local Twitter_URL = “https://api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/list.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=” … TwitterUserName … “&skip_status=true&include_user_entities=false”

local followersResponse = HttpService:GetAsync(Twitter_URL)
local followersData = HttpService:JSONDecode(followersResponse)