Help me fix my shop, its not working

you’re supposed to delete the .value in the brackets, not the .value outside. because you are trying to waitforchild for the stringvalue, with the .value to mention the value property of said stringvalue

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but when i delete the value in the brackets, the script doesent run at all

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then its probably an issue with the remainder of your script.

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the localscript should works, i know because the bought massage i put is printed, so is the problem in the serverscript?

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Try printing all the variables in the serverscript to see what isn’t working.

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it doesent print anything in all of the variables

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Can you show me the code where you printed the variables?

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does CurrentShown have anything in the Value?

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local price = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.CPrice
local chosen = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.CurrentShown

	local folder = player:WaitForChild("SwordStatus")
	local sword = folder:WaitForChild(tostring(chosen.Value))
	local coins = player.Coins
	coins.Value -= price.Value
	sword = true

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wht do you mean? i didnt understand your question.

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is the Value property of the Instance CurrentShown (or as seen in the script)

defined? because if CurrentShown.Value is blank, then tostring(chosen.Value) (or as shown in the script)

will return a blank text and it will wait for a child named “” which doesn’t exist and will wait forever, as seen in the console

Thats the thing i wondered, it worked on the localscript, put doesent in the serverscript

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Do you tried to change WaitForChild to FindFirstChild?

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what script is CurrentShown.Value being changed at? if you changed anything from the server, it will replicate to all clients but changing in the client doesn’t replicate to the server and other clients without using RemoteEvents

it’s best you check this out

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