HELP! My Maps are messing up to "Original Size"?

So pretty much ever since yesterday my map for my up-and-coming game has all these orginal size constraints in it. I don’t know what they are, but there messign up the scaling for my map. I really don’t know if this is a virus or what, but I even went through, and manuely deleted them all from every part in the workspace, then saved and re-joined and they were there again. This is a major problem and I don’t know what to do. Please help Thanks.


Causes stuff like this…


If they were again when you played, check the scripts.

This happened to me a few days ago as well! This was because of the lil nas x event and the flamingo junkbot raid! Restart your pc, and wait a day as well! It should solve your problem, don’t freak out, it happened to me, and it cleared out after I did that!

With love


What plugins do you have installed and are they the actual original plugins.

Restarting your PC won’t configure the RBXMX file of the place and delete the constraints, and what the hell will waiting a day even do?

I suggest you put this script into your command bar in Studio:

for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if v.Name == 'OriginalSize' then v:Destroy() end

If the constraints come back, please link us to all of the plugins that you have installed.


Well sir, it worked for me, I waited a day and also restarted my pc, and it worked, so…

Still, that’s not possible and won’t fix the problem.

Thanks for the solutions, no currently I don’t have any plugins active as I thought that might be the problem, also I don’t have any scripts currently in the workspace, they are being developed in a different on.

No scripts in the workspace, any other solutions?

I turned off all my installed plugins, so this definitely is not the problem.

Install and reinstall studio, and possibly try to go into another account and see if the problem occurs again.
A plugin can be in your files, just unviewable. Reinstalling Studio will delete those.


Okay, I did that, I thinks its fixed, on top of that I think the main problem was my friend, who I allowed into the studio of the game, who isn’t that well versed in Roblox studio accidently ungrouped a humanoid, so its original size applied to all parts in the workspace so that might be the problem, thanks for the help though.


Hey sorry update to this, the problem was I ungrouped a humanoid. If this is the case you have to find the version of your studio where you didn’t ungroup your humanoid. After doing that delete all the constraints and your good.