Help my songs wont loop

k 2 problems

1.The songs aren’t randomizing…

  1. The currentTrack.Value isn’t changing to that songs name that is playing, and here’s the code on what I want it
Music.Name = "ServerMusic"
Music.Parent = workspace
local currentTrack = workspace.Songs.CurrentTrack

	Set the track's wait time to nil if you want the full track to play

-- // [Index] not required due ot lua doing it automatically
local MusicTracks = {
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "1576032985";
		currentTrack.Value = MusicTracks.Name
		WaitTime = 117.472 * 2;

	{       Name = "Jocelyn Flores";
		Id = "426082642";
		currentTrack.Value = MusicTracks.Name
		WaitTime = 120.084 * 2;

	local LastIndex = 0

	while true do
		if LastIndex == #MusicTracks then
			LastIndex = 0

		LastIndex += 1

		local MusicTrackData = MusicTracks[LastIndex]

		Music.TimePosition = 0
		Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. MusicTrackData.Id

		if MusicTrackData.WaitTime then
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The first reason why it is not randomized is because you are using the second method which play music in from a predefined list.

the second reason the track name isn’t being changed is because tables can only store information

try this instead

local Music ="Sound")
Music.Name = "ServerMusic"
Music.Parent = workspace
local currentTrack = workspace.Songs.CurrentTrack

	Set the track's wait time to nil if you want the full track to play

-- // [Index] not required due ot lua doing it automatically
local MusicTracks = {
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "1576032985";
		WaitTime = 117.472 * 2;

		Name = "Jocelyn Flores";
		Id = "426082642";
		WaitTime = 120.084 * 2;

		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "1576032985";
		currentTrack.Value = MusicTracks.Name
		WaitTime = 117.472 * 2;
	This piece of code will not work, it will error because you are trying to run raw code inside of a table.
	tables can only store data
	use this instead, the song looper will automatically grab the name data from the table and change the value from there.
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "1576032985";
		WaitTime = 117.472 * 2;

	local LastIndex = 0

	while true do
		local RandomTrackIndex = math.random(1, #MusicTracks)
		local MusicTrackData = MusicTracks[RandomTrackIndex]

		Music.TimePosition = 0
		Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. MusicTrackData.Id
		if currentTrack then
			currentTrack.Value = MusicTrackData.Name

		if MusicTrackData.WaitTime then
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sorry for bugging you so much I’m just trynna get this working I appreciate the help though truely… So, the values work - but… It’s showing the wrong song like if Jocelyn Flores plays, It shows Sub Zero is playing, and if Sub Zero is playing it shows Jocelyn Flores is playing.

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This may be due to the song names being incorrect

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wow you’re fr a genius they were lol

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last time before I close this all I need to know is how you add more songs to the list here’s what I’ve tried doing

Music.Name = "ServerMusic"
Music.Parent = workspace
local currentTrack = workspace.Songs.CurrentTrack

	Set the track's wait time to nil if you want the full track to play

-- // [Index] not required due ot lua doing it automatically
local MusicTracks = {
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "426082642";
		WaitTime = 120.084 * 2;

		Name = "Slow Motion";
		Id = "314023820";
		WaitTime = 120.216 * 2;

	Name = "Just For The Night";
	Id = "281057206";
	WaitTime = 80.169 * 2;

	local LastIndex = 0

	while true do
		local RandomTrackIndex = math.random(1, #MusicTracks)
		local MusicTrackData = MusicTracks[RandomTrackIndex]

		Music.TimePosition = 0
		Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. MusicTrackData.Id

		if currentTrack then
			currentTrack.Value = MusicTrackData.Name

		if MusicTrackData.WaitTime then

I'm getting an error, and idk how to add more songs, or what to do on the last song when it loops to the top once again and so on.
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this will not work as for you tried adding another table end (as seen at the last line in the quote)

to add another track you need to put another table inside of music tracks.

local MusicTracks = {
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "426082642";
		WaitTime = 120.084 * 2;

		Name = "Slow Motion";
		Id = "314023820";
		WaitTime = 120.216 * 2;

	   Name = "Just For The Night";
	   Id = "281057206";
	   WaitTime = 80.169 * 2;

} -- // This is the end, do not try and add tracks past this point
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And to put a 4th song I just copy that and leave the end and DONT add songs past that point and a 5th song as well?

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so I get it we doing it just like this, right?

Music.Name = "ServerMusic"
Music.Parent = workspace
local currentTrack = workspace.Songs.CurrentTrack

	Set the track's wait time to nil if you want the full track to play

-- // [Index] not required due ot lua doing it automatically
local MusicTracks = {
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "426082642";
		WaitTime = 120.084 * 2;

		Name = "Slow Motion";
		Id = "314023820";
		WaitTime = 120.216 * 2;

		Name = "Just For The Night";
		Id = "281057206";
		WaitTime = 80.169 * 2;
		Name = "Jocelyn Flores";
		Id = "1576032985";
		WaitTime = 117.472 * 2;
		Name = "Hotel";
		Id = "3102955100";
		WaitTime = 327.523 * 2;

} -- // This is the end, do not try and add tracks past this point

	local LastIndex = 0

	while true do
		local RandomTrackIndex = math.random(1, #MusicTracks)
		local MusicTrackData = MusicTracks[RandomTrackIndex]

		Music.TimePosition = 0
		Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. MusicTrackData.Id

		if currentTrack then
			currentTrack.Value = MusicTrackData.Name

		if MusicTrackData.WaitTime then
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Also… It’s not playing anymore songs after 1 plays, it just breaks but no errors show?

Music.Name = "ServerMusic"
Music.Parent = workspace
local currentTrack = workspace.Songs.CurrentTrack

	Set the track's wait time to nil if you want the full track to play

-- // [Index] not required due ot lua doing it automatically
local MusicTracks = {
		Name = "Sub Zero";
		Id = "426082642";
		WaitTime = 120.084 * 2;

		Name = "Slow Motion";
		Id = "314023820";
		WaitTime = 120.216 * 2;

		Name = "Just For The Night";
		Id = "281057206";
		WaitTime = 80.169 * 2;
		Name = "Jocelyn Flores";
		Id = "1576032985";
		WaitTime = 117.472 * 2;
		Name = "Hotel";
		Id = "3102955100";
		WaitTime = 327.510 * 2;
		Name = "Homies";
		Id = "1209456869";
		WaitTime = 220.368 * 2;

} -- // This is the end, do not try and add tracks past this point

	local LastIndex = 0

	while true do
		local RandomTrackIndex = math.random(1, #MusicTracks)
		local MusicTrackData = MusicTracks[RandomTrackIndex]

		Music.TimePosition = 0
		Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. MusicTrackData.Id

		if currentTrack then
			currentTrack.Value = MusicTrackData.Name

		if MusicTrackData.WaitTime then
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Like when a song ends the first song, no other song plays.

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Yes, that is how you add more tracks.
But the music stopping after the first track, that is a little confusing as for when I tested, it worked perfectly. Not sure what happened on your end

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@cohen30 why not just use


to determine when the song ends instead of wait(200)

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He wants to have custom wait times for some songs because some songs have extra goodies at the end.
So in short, he would like to prematurely end the song.

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Ive been trynna fix it for the past hour but I really don’t know…