Help needed with script

I’d also like to say that you should do sanity checks on the server when receiving the event, so exploiters can’t abuse the event.
For example, check if the speed isn’t something absurd, or invalid, such as:

local stoneSpeed = 16*4

--vv Change this line
REMOTEEVENTHERE.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, newSpeed, toolName))
    if (newSpeed == stoneSpeed) and (plr.Character:FindFirstChild(toolName)) then
        -- Code here

But if that’s the only other speed they can go you might as well just not have a newSpeed argument, and only check for the tool’s presence.


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I am going to tes the game to see if work now

The same thing is still happening where the error is the particle emitter

I’m really not sure what I should do at this point. :frowning:

Show me the line where it errors

it is line 10 on the server script

I swapped line 10 with line 9 because that seems to make more sense

nevermind it did nothing


Can you open the arrow by the Handle part and screenshot it?

local P = Plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("ParticleEmitter")
if P then
P.Parent = script.Parent.Handle
script.Parent.Handle:WaitForChild("ParticleEmitter").Enabled = false

ok i will do it now in studio yes now




what does this look like when you equip it when you run the game?

Try this:

