There is no error in output. (30char)
Where is this script and is there an remote event or remote function?
This does not work. (30characters)
It is a server script, and it is in the part you touch to get the gear.
So it’s a Touched Event? if im Correct, if im Not Sorry,
that is correct, It is a touched event.
And Tell me if you get it Right, if Not Then Uh Sorry
This does not work, thanks for your time.
Send me all of the code that you have in the script.
local debounce = false
local Gear = game.ReplicatedStorage.Gears:FindFirstChild(“Gear”)
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) and debounce == false then
while true do
s = 0
m = 5
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
Gear:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
debounce = true
script.Parent.Text.Timer.Seconds.Value = s
script.Parent.Text.Timer.Minutes.Value = m
s = s-1
if s == -1 then
m = m-1
s = 59
if m == -1 then
m = 0
s = 0
until s == 0 and m == 0
debounce = false
return debounce
Could it be that your script is timing out because you dont have a wait under your wtd loop?
It could be that there is no wait under it… you put it above, move it below.
This code should be working fine, I just copied it into my studio and had the counter running.
Few things,
- Check this line, quotes are weird
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) and debounce == false then
- Make s and m local values.
- Why the while true do loop? After 5 minutes, this will just count down from 5 minutes again.
Not its only because you copied it from foriums so the conversion is weird
This does not help, thanks anyways.
The solution is instead of putting until “s == 0 and m == 0” put “until s == -1 and m == 0”
This does not help. (30character)
This does not work, thanks anyways!
Sorry this didn’t help. I meant that this code wasn’t the problem and that the problem might be the timer isn’t being displayed. If you run a print(m,':',s)
in your repeat loop, then its possible the minutes and seconds decrement as expected.
But right here, you only set numberValues. Not any type of text that might be shown on a UI object.
script.Parent.Text.Timer.Seconds.Value = s
script.Parent.Text.Timer.Minutes.Value = m
Some code which would update a text label, every time a numberValue’s value changes would look like:
numberValue.Changed:Connect(function (val)
textLabel.Text = val