Help on fixing "Touched/TouchEnded" script

Are you using Precise collisions if it’s a mesh part?

I did a test with the “Lobby” which is standard big zone first then move on with the meshpart, both doesnt work.

as soon as 4 seconds pass by, everything stops working(the touch script). Even if I re-enter the zone or leave it, it doesnt even print.

Did you try mine? Just wondering.

from your idea, im thinking of getting just 1 body part within the player

That is also a very nice idea, I think that can work too.

You can check if the player distance is between MinDistance and MaxDistance if yes then damage it slowly.

Roblox’s touch system isn’t very effective. I would recommend using a raycast instead.

how would I use it, I have no idea to.

I recommend reading through this to get a bit more familiar with raycasting. If that still doesn’t help I could maybe show an example of what I mean

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Since the area is a cylinder, you can check the distance between the center of the area and the player, and check if the distance is inferior or equal to the radius of the cylinder.

    for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
        local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(zone.Position)
        if distance ~= 0 and distance <= zone.Size.X/2 then
            -- player in zone
            -- player not in zone

hmm works when its resizing too??

Yes, since it will check the distance based on the radius of the zone.

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im not keen in lua mathing but ill try it out tmr! Please tutor me if I need.

I mean how to get the thickness as it changes as I resize it, literally I cant find the math for it

well the fact is, the zone’s Cframe is higher than player’s CFrame so cant do that. I’m thinking of raycast but idk how to get the thickness of the zone’s borders

Then either move the zone down and make it taller or check a modified CFrame

    for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
        local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(, player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position.Y, zone.Position.Z))
        if distance ~= 0 and distance <= zone.Size.X/2 then
            -- player in zone
            -- player not in zone

Then there would be a huge gap under the map which may cost major lag.

Touch and TouchEnded don’t really work properly as it only detects player movement when you enter.

(As well it renders touch ended too early or too late, Or just never detects.)

I suggest using Region3’s to make your thing work, Or you could use Zone+ (A helpful thing which would make working with region3 easier.

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Thanks for replying lately. But it seems like I’ve handled it with magnitude by comparing the X-axis only.