Help on making items spawn above a invisible part

Hi! this won’t work. Please read through our replies. :slight_smile:

Edit: Or was I too quick to judge? Might be the +1 in vector that throws me off.

“Help on making items spawn above a invisible part” Setting the primarypartcframe should work just fine for this.

This works with some items but wouldnt work with every item bc some have different heights

We’ve already posted a few approaches for you. Happy scripting!

itemfolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.faketools:GetChildren()
local item = itemfolder[math.random(math.max(#itemfolder, 1))]:Clone()
workspace.Part.Size = item.Size
item.Parent = workspace.Part
item:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(workspace.Part.CFrame +, item:GetExtentsSize().Y + 1, 0))

Edit: I can’t currently open ROBLOX studio for some reason so I can’t actually test

i will try checking how i can make this and try yours and beets solutions, thanks for the help :slight_smile:

i just figured that getexentssize wont work because its a mesh part, and if i do what @TortenSkjold said then it pratically would be useless bc the part would be 1,1,1. And ima try it

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If it’s mesh then I think theres something built in for this… Scale

Pretty much just get the scale value and add a vector3 value of 0, 1, 0 onto it and I belive it should work

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i found a thread where people figured out the algorithm for calculating boundingbox
btw im pretty sure you could just calculate the y-height based on cframe but im tired so my brain wont work

check this out. i think on post 7 theres a solution for boundingbox on part or model

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Hi! I think I cracked a solution in my head for you! :slight_smile:


Make your item face in the direction you want, edit it’s pivotPoint so that the pivot is at the “bottom” of the part. - Just make sure your Pivot is rotated and placed correctly.

Now, make so that your ItemSpawner’s PivotPoint is at the very top of the ItemSpawner.

Now just do


That will set the ItemPart’s Pivot to be in the location of the ItemSpawner’s Pivot.
I tend to tell people to use PivotPoints more often, and this is a good example on why.

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Please let us know which approach you went with, when you’ve solved your issue! :slight_smile:

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hi, maybe try to use the up vector value of the part like this:

local Item = workspace.MyItem

local formatCF = workspace.Cubepart.CFrame + (workspace.Cubepart.CFrame.Position.LookVector) * 0.5 --The distance above the part in studs

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itemfolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.faketools:GetChildren()
local item = itemfolder[math.random(math.max(#itemfolder, 1))]:Clone()
workspace.Part.Size = item.Size
item.Parent = workspace.Part
item.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame +,item.Size.Y/2, 0) 

may be this would work

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This have already been suggested, and it would not work when the Item have been rotated to lay down. :slight_smile:

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i tried this but it got an error saying that LookVector isnt a valid member of Vector3

Ohhh that actually seems like its going to work, but how do i see the pivot point?
WAIT i figured it out and IT WORKS PERFECTLY! tysm! :slight_smile:

Great that you found a solution, happy scripting!