Help on making text appear

The beauty of The devforum is it allows people to help without having to share personal information. You should be able to post pictures right here in the chain. As to your script the only thing I can think of, is that you have an accidental false declaration for a variable.

Oh alright well here is the full thing.

I don’t know if you didn’t see my previous post, but I still stand by it.

Yes, i saw and tried i’ll try again.

Did you miss the TextStrokeTransparency bit that I mentioned earlier? Also, when do these get called? These are loops that just… run. Do you mind placing a print(“This here is working”) inside one of the loops?

image This what you meant?

Yeah he made a mistake with the order of the loops. Unless you only need it to be positive.

I have tried your one, and yes i have been putting prints.

So far the only print I see is “Ran” at the end of the code. Just put two prints. One inside each loop and then show us output. Because if it’s outside the loops. We have no clue if they even are working. Likewise print out the value of the transparency.

Ok, if you need it to fade in, here.
for a = 1, 0, -0.1 do
script.Parent.Credits.TextTransparency = a

still does not fade in, have i got something wrong.

Remove the wait(10) at the beginning, and the errors in the output might be something you should pay attention to aswell.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLAFE PRINTS INSIDE THE LOOPSS!!! Right after you change the transparency -.1, print

The wait is for how long the first title stay up for, though the errors are not to do with the intro.

i recommend you should do this:

local TransitionTime = 1 -- in seconds
local GoalTransparency = 1

game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.Everlast,, {TextTransparency = GoalTransparency}):Play()

I did it. In my own studio. a minute. The issue is that you arent dividing by 10. Here is a working script to make it go up and down. I connected mine to a button. You can just connect yours to whatever. Rename it as you please but this works.
Just reverse the order and add -1 to make it reappear. Do for 10, 1,-1 To make it reappear.
local but = script.Parent

local text = but.Parent.Sample


for i = 1,10 do


text.TextTransparency = i/10



What do you mean go up and down.

Up = Transparency Value Increases.
Down = Transparency Value Decreases.

Oh alright, I’ll try that soon.