Help on Showing Clothing Without it Being Stolen

Good day everyone! I’ve recently made some new clothing designs and I’m confused on how to display them on the #collaboration:asset-marketplace. I’m wondering how I can put them on this category without letting the template be taken.

I’m hoping to do something like this: (the picture)

Thank you!

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It looks like they just copied part of the template into a new image. Doesn’t look like they did anything special.

Edit: If you want to flair things up a bit, you can import the template into studio using the Local File Importer and take a screenshot of it on your character that way. That’s not what was done in the thread you posted, but that it’s another way to show it off (if you want).


Simply crop out the sides: Front torso, front left arm/leg, front right arm/leg. Then, you can piece them together on a separate image from there.

If you’re asking about the picture of their layers, you could use an image capture software like Gyazo to take a picture of your layers.

Hope this helps, Happy New Year :partying_face:


You can pretty much just copy the front of the torso, arms, and legs and paste it together and if you are even worried that something of it will get stolen you can add a light watermark across it

Happy new year :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did indeed copy the template into the image. You can do that or add a watermark instead, which is honestly a better option. You should set up watermarks onto the template, so if they do try to steal it, your watermark will be on the shirt! Those are my tips to not have your clothing stolen, but I am pretty sure that there are other tips out there if you would like to try something different. (P.S: Happy New Year! :roblox_light: :roblox:)

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