Help on working a camera system

Hey Guys,

I’m trying to work on a camera system in Roblox, not like the studio or ingame camera, but like a camera that acts like a real life camera.

Would anyone happen to know on how to make this?


can I have the script of your game?

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everything that you just described here doesn’t explain anything

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I’m trying to make a working video camera is what I’m trying to say

You can use the camera shake module by sleitnick to create a video camera movement.
Just play around with the shake settings.

I may use this in the future, but this isn’t what I’m looking for. I’m looking for something like

A real life working camera, except in Roblox.

so you want to make a CAMERA? trhtychahrwsa

Yep, I need it for my future project

what kinda camera? first person, tripod?? give more information or we wont understand anything

So, I need a working camera like a real life camera, with features that allow you to zoom in, and it’s only in 1st person, and I want it like a film camera and once you click access camera, the Roblox quit menu disappears including with any other UI and able to have like a boom arm to move the camera.

Uhh you cant remove the leave button…

There’s good amount of resources on the forum regarding creating custom camera, I would say first person cameras are easier to make than 3rd but what you wish to accomplish is possible if you look into enough posts regarding the things you need