Help saving folders, and the instances inside

I need help figuring out how to save instances (and their values) inside of a folder. I want it so each item that the player owns can have its own independent level, xp, etc.


if anyone can help me, or send me other threads on this that can help me; that would be fantastic!

for that just parent the instances to the player

YourInstance.Parent = FolderPath -- such asPlayerFolders.RaayyCast.Inventory.Ninja

Basically parent your instance to the folder

but im trying to save the folder;

i want a way to go through every folder in the “Inventory”, and save all off the values inside of that folder

You’re going to want to use a Datastore to save things, there are many tutorials on how to use them.

If you don’t want to make your own I recommend @loleris’s ProfileService as I’ve used it many times and like it a lot.

Then try using datastores. Devking has a good tut on it and u can also reference the api page.Make sure you enable studio acess to api services.