[HELP] Simulator Scripts not Working Correctly

After the level up everything works fine. I am going to rejoin and see if my data saves.

Everything saves except the money. This might be because of too many requests?

I rejoined a second time and the money is back to normal.

It’s not because of too many requests, it’s because the value isn’t saved properly.
If it’s due to too many requests, it would’ve not saved anything (You have everything saved in a table)

Is the issue not happening anymore? Also, I’d recommend using DataStore2 for handling you data, it has easy to use API and you will need to use it as to not surpass the datastore limit. as seeing as you store everything within a table.

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How would I save multiple pieces of data? And also would I have to go through all my code and change the leaderstats changing to Increment()

To save multiple pieces of data, you can use the “combine” function as to not run into any errors, and no, you don’t have to change it to increment, You can if you want but you don’t have to, as long as you save the player’s value when they leave.

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