Help to open a door locally with a Remote Event [scripts + video] please

could you send in another video with the output and testing the script?
the script shouldve at least printed “player touched clef1” or “player touched for clef3”
are you sure these are the correct platforms?

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Yes i send it it take some times

I think my video is too long I get every time an error message around 33% upload

i’ll try to cut them into 3 parts

Well I’m so tired and I have to download a video editing software, it’s 5 o’clock in the morning in my country, I’ll try to cut it tomorrow and if you ever come back here you’ll be able to see it, thanks again for the time you spent for me

I don’t think Touched events will work, you should use Region3. I can try to make a script later today when I get home.

Edit: found a way, I get home around 4:30 PM EST.


script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function() end)

while task.wait() do print(script.Parent:GetTouchingParts()) end

Basically you have to use GetTouchingParts(). For some odd reason GetTouchingParts() doesn’t work properly unless you put

script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function() end)

before that.

Hello, thank you for your answer. I didn’t quite understand how I should place your script and on which script I should put it? (since there are several on this topic)

Download this: Door.rbxm (4.9 KB)

It’s a Roblox file that can be inserted by right clicking on workspace, clicking insert from file.

It works… kind of. The touched events aren’t that good.

Edit: Region3 is recommended for this. Devhub has some useful info on this.

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Oh I didn’t see that answer. Thanks, I’ll try