Help troubleshooting: AnimationTrack limit of 256 tracks for one Animator exceeded, new animations will not be played

Thats odd. I actually noticed that the \n does not actually do a line break on the dashboard, and instead just makes a single space:

The full thing shows up for me though.

(All of these animations are the idle 1 and 2 animations made by Roblox, which are not at all edited by me)

I’ve got error report envy, I get one line truncated. That’s weird, similar to what I’m seeing, seems there is a bug that Roblox needs to fix, but I have no idea how to reproduce it on demand.

Do you have any scripts that use GetPlayingAnimationTracks() to loop through and change them in any way, such as Priority or Adjustweight or anything else.

I’m thinking that something is modifying those default animations so the core script is creating a new one, but I’m not sure why or where its coming from. Its kind of rare, but not that rare, but I can’t reproduce it.

What web browser is that? I tried Chrome and Edge and still get one line truncated.

I use Chrome.

I have a script that stops all playing animations, but on the server, so it doesnt apply here. I dont mess with weight cause I dont fully know how it works lol. I do change Priority with script at one point, but again with animations that are unrelated to this issue.

The weird thing is that the Animate script destroys AnimationTracks after they reach the end keyframe, so I really have no idea what is going on here anymore.

Do you have any script that sets the TimePosition of animations? It seems from my testing if you set the TimePosition of one of the default idle/walk/etc animations it will cause them to get recreated and stack up.

I haven’t been able to get rid of all of these, but I have reduced the error count significantly. I am trying to exclude Core priority animations from any sort of modifications such as :Stop or AdjustWeight.

When cycling through playing animations for any reason I am excluding with this:

and not (PlayingTracks.Priority == Enum.AnimationPriority.Core) then

If this doesn’t get rid of all of the errors then I’m thinking there is a bug in the Animator script that gets triggered somehow. All of the animations that build up in the ‘256’ errors are core idle, run, walk animations.

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