Help understanding Motor6D.Transform

I understand how C0 and C1 weld two parts via the relationship Part0.CFrame * C0 = Part1.CFrame * C1, but I don’t understand how Transform plays into this.

From the DevHub article:

Transform is the transformation between the “parent” part and the “child” part. The “parent” part will always be the part that is more directly connected to the JointInstance.C0. This is not affected by which part is assigned to JointInstance.Part0 and which is JointInstance.Part1 . If the side the root part is on changes the interpretation of Transform will be inverted.

What does it mean to be “more directly connected” to the C0? Knowing this is important for the next excerpt:

Similar to a WeldJoint, an active Motor6D will rigidly hold its two parts such that:
PartParent.CFrame * CParent * Transform == PartChild.CFrame * Child

CParent and Child aren’t defined, and it’s unclear how to determine PartParent and PartChild. Thus, my question: How does this relationship work and how does it relate to the C0/C1 relationship?

This was just fixed! [Live] Changes to Motor6D.Transform and Motor.CurrentAngle